Champions for Change

By using their personal stories to spread awareness and generously giving their time to advocate, these champions are the beacons of change we need in America.  Across the nation, medical aid-in-dying legislation is getting introduced, passed and signed into law.  Each victory brings relief to those facing a terminal illness and success would not be possible without these Champions for Change.  We thank these stewards for being an instrumental part of the movement for end-of-life autonomy.

I am proud to champion Connecticut's medical aid-in-dying legislation.

Not that long ago, I believed my role as a physician was to do whatever was possible to save and prolong life, but over time I've seen patients who would have benefited from more options at end of life. In my role as a lawmaker, I've now also heard powerful storytellers organized by Compassion & Choices Action Network, making me better understand the critical need for change and why I am proud to champion Connecticut's medical aid-in-dying legislation. During this year's 'They Died Waiting' news conference, that resolve and commitment was strengthened further as I listened to such traumatic stories found in that emotive portrait display. While we made progress this legislative session, we were unsuccessful this year and could not cross the finish line. I am confident we will in the near future.

Dr. Saud Anwar
we are very close to having enough votes to pass it in both chambers in 2024

I am dying of metastatic stage 4 breast cancer. I know my bone and brain tumors are highly likely to cause me to suffer from intense pain in the end. That's why I joined Compassion & Choices Action Network's campaign to pass Delaware's End of Life Options Act. We made progress in 2023 when the House Health and Human Development Committee moved the bill to the floor. And we are very close to having enough votes to pass it in both chambers in 2024.

Diane Kraus
I have lived for decades with a disability, making my own healthcare decisions

I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at age 27 and multiple myeloma, an incurable, progressive bone marrow cancer, 22 years later. I have lived for decades with a disability, making my own healthcare decisions. To be told when faced with a terminal diagnosis, that we cannot do the same with our deaths is the ultimate insult. The opportunity to share this with lawmakers at hearings and briefings means the world to me. I joined forces with Compassion & Choices Action Network to ensure that every terminally ill Massachusetts resident has the option of medical aid in dying, regardless of their mobility.

Bev Baccelli
That law now works better for patients by authorizing additional healthcare professionals to support them

The Compassion & Choices Action Network staff and supporters were indispensable partners in our work with our legislative champions, Rep. Rude (R-Walla Walla) and Sen. Pedersen (D-Seattle) to pass SB 5179's improvements to our state's Death with Dignity Act. That law now works better for patients by authorizing additional healthcare professionals to support them, reducing a very long waiting period and modernizing pharmacy practices.

Judy Kinney
Former executive director, End of Life Washington
I remain firmly committed to working with the Action Network to bring this option to Nevadans.

Compassion & Choices Action Network's experience working with individuals, families and the community on end-of-life issues supported me to use my leadership position in the Nevada Senate to advance a medical aid-in-dying bill through the legislature. While it's enraging that our governor overrode the majority's wishes and vetoed the bill at the 11th hour, I remain firmly committed to working with the Action Network to bring this option to Nevadans.

Edgar Flores
Nevada State Senator and bill sponsor
If you are inspired to share your story, please click here to visit our sister organization, fill out their easy-to-use form and one of their Storyteller Program team members will be in touch.

The Compassion & Choices family comprises two organizations: Compassion & Choices, a 501(c)(3), which educates, empowers, and advocates to improve care and expand options at life’s end; and our advocacy and political arm, the Compassion & Choices Action Network, a 501(c)(4).

©2024 Compassion & Choices Action Network