Our mission at Compassion & Choices Action Network is to promote nationwide end-of-life autonomy, empowering people to select care that honors their unique values and priorities regardless of race, religion, party affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity and age.
Medical aid in dying is a nonpartisan issue. The idea that dying people should have the option to peacefully end their suffering resonates with large majorities of voters across all political parties. Despite this wide support, medical aid in dying is currently only authorized in 11 jurisdictions. To achieve nationwide end-of-life autonomy, strategic support for state legislative candidates who champion our cause is crucial. In collaboration with Democracy Engine, we developed Power Compassion, an online donation platform showcasing state office candidates committed to the end-of-life options movement. By giving to these campaigns, you help us build the political strength needed to pass aid-in-dying legislation around the country.
Our exceptional volunteers are the backbone of the movement. They come from all walks of life in all 50 states plus Washington, D.C., and Guam. They attend demonstrations, testify at hearings, distribute literature, talk to lawmakers, write letters to local papers and share their stories. Every month we are honored to highlight one of these impactful advocates. Thanks to their hard work, we are making significant strides in expanding access to medical aid in dying.
Because this cancer has progressed so quickly, I want to do as much as I can for this cause while I’m still feeling decent. I want to give as much as I can any way that I can. I know this law is unlikely to be passed in Illinois while I’m here, but it could help someone else. If I can talk to more people about it, help somebody see things a little differently, if I can advocate, that’s what I want to do with the time I have left — however long that may be.