Compassion & Choices Action Network

The time to fight for end-of-life rights is now.

At the Compassion & Choices Action Network, we fight every day for all people to have the power to choose the end-of-life experience that reflects their values and priorities — regardless of their race, religion, party affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity and age. 

Your support is critical to helping us expand end-of-life options for everyone. 

Your donation will be used in our campaigns to lobby policymakers, support our political champions or oppose those who work against us, and engage people to act so that everyone has the right to make their own end-of-life decisions.

To learn more about our sister organization, Compassion & Choices, a 501(c)(3), click here to visit their separate website.

We need your support

Your support of the Compassion & Choices Action Network is essential to the advancement of end-of-life options. The Compassion & Choices Action Network is running powerful campaigns in states across the nation to pass new laws to give all people the full range of end-of-life options. Help us fight to bring end-of-life autonomy to everyone in America with your contribution.

Compassion & Choices Action Network is a 501(c)4 organization. Contributions to Compassion & Choices Action Network are not deductible as charitable contributions or business expenses under IRC § 162(e). Your contribution generally supports Compassion & Choices Action Network’s activities to protect and promote care and choice at end-of-life across the country.

The Compassion & Choices family comprises two organizations: Compassion & Choices, a 501(c)(3), which educates, empowers, and advocates to improve care and expand options at life’s end; and our advocacy and political arm, the Compassion & Choices Action Network, a 501(c)(4).

©2024 Compassion & Choices Action Network